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Feminist Climate Ambassadors 2021 training begins today


Feminist climate ambassadors -logo.

Today marks the day when the Feminist Climate Ambassadors of 2021 meet for the first time!

A total of 21 ambassadors were selected from amongst 99 applications. Our selected ambassadors come from 14 European countries and represent 18 nationalities. All have unique experience relating to climate and feminism, and all share a strong motivation to change the world for better.

The training runs for 6 months and culminates in study trips to Brussels and Glasgow.

First meeting is about getting to know each other, orienting to the themes and setting direction for the coming months. The guest expert for the first meeting is Alviina Alametsä, MEP. The following meetings will be designed to answer to the wishes of the participants and to serve their advocacy ambitions.

FCA Kick-Off meeting on Saturday 27th March 2021

  • Welcome
    Introduction to the training programme | coordinator Adele Halttunen, Visio
  • Introductions
  • Group work
  • Presentation
    Intersectionality ABC | Olivia Koskinen, Visio
  • Guest expert
    Alviina Alametsä, MEP: Gender perspectives in the climate action and policy
  • Summary and next steps
    Joint discussion

Read more about the training programme: www.opintokeskusvisio.fi/fca

The training is part of a project Feminists in the Climate Movement, which is organised by GEF and financially supported by European Parliament. Partners in the project include Visio, Green Economics Institute, Oikos and Fundacja Strefa Zieleni. Relating to FCA training, Visio collaborates locally with Finnish Green Women’s association.

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